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There is a kind of flower called sweet thistle?

1, alias: Huoxiang thistle, Sheng Hong thistle, a branch of the genus: Compositae Huoxiang thistle flower and fruit stage: flower and fruit annual morphological characteristics: Huoxiang thistle is an annual herb, 50-100 cm high, sometimes less than 10 cm. There is no obvious main root.

2. Huoxiang thistle-- [1] Huoxiang thistle (Ageratum conyzoides), alias Huoxiang thistle, Shenghong thistle, Yixiang, salted shrimp flower, hairy musk, butterfly grass, south breeze grass, willow yellow, white flower grass, white flower smelly grass and Saapan (Paiwan). Asteraceae patchouli thistle is an annual herb native to Brazil.

3. Patchouli thistle, which is also a scenic spot of red thistle, genus Huoxiang thistle of Compositae. Originated in Mexico. It is distributed in areas ranging from low altitude to 2800 meters.

There is a kind of flower, square stem, purple flower. What's your name?

1. According to the information you provide, this plant may refer to Perilla frutescens, a common herb commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine and cooking. Its stems are usually square, the leaves are green and the flowers are purple. Perilla can make tea and drink, with heat-clearing and detoxification, antibacterial, sedative and other effects.

2. Ajuga reptans cv. Is a kind of plant belonging to Labiatae. It originated in the United States. Born in the shade and damp places of roadsides, streams, grassy slopes and hills. Herbs annual or biennial, high 10~30cm, whole plant white villous. Stem square, base creeping.

3. The doll grass in the countryside refers to motherwort. There are many houses in the west of my hometown, with square stems and purple flowers. , motherwort, also known as Lianwei, Kuncao, Jiuzhonglou, Mica, Sendi [1], Latin name: Leonurus artemisia (Laur.) S. Y. Hu F, belongs to Labiatae and Leonurus, blossoms in summer.

There is a kind of flower similar to chrysanthemum. What kind of flower is it?

1. Persian chrysanthemum (scientific name: Cosmos bipinnata Cav.), alias: big Persian chrysanthemum, Qiuying. Herbs annual or perennial, 1-2 m tall. Roots fusiform, fibrous roots, or adventitious roots near stem base. Stems glabrous or slightly pilose. Leaves 2-pinnately parted, lobes linear or filiform linear.

2. Sulfur chrysanthemum, (scientific name Cosmos sulphureus), is an annual herb of the genus Asteraceae. Originated in Mexico, also known as Huang Qiuying, yellow Persian chrysanthemum, yellow chrysanthemum, sulfur chrysanthemum, yellow hibiscus. Sulfur chrysanthemum, native to Mexico, is an annual herb with strong sex and easy cultivation. Like plenty of sunshine, not resistant to cold.

3. African chrysanthemum, alias Fulang flower, marigold, autumn English, Persian flower, thousand-day chrysanthemum and so on. It is a perennial, hairy herb of the genus Compositae.

4. African chrysanthemum. Petals are part of the Corolla, thin and delicate, similar to leaves in structure, and form a variety of colors due to different pigments in the cells. they are hard and pointed African chrysanthemums. Flowers, often called flowers, are angiosperm angiosperm plants, also known as the reproductive organs of flowering plants or flowering plants.

5. Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata Cav.), alias Dahlia, Tianzhu peony, oriental chrysanthemum, dahlia, sweet potato, Compositae, Dahlia, perennial herbs, with huge stick-shaped roots. Stem erect, much branched, 5-2 m tall, stout.

There is a kind of flower called what tail?

Iris, also known as blue butterfly, purple butterfly, flat bamboo flower, etc., belongs to Liliaceae, Iridaceae, Iris perennial herbs, rhizome stout, diameter about 1cm, oblique extension; leaf length 15~50cm, wide 5~5cm, flower blue-purple, diameter about 10cm; capsule long oval or Obovate, long 5~6cm, diameter 2~5cm.

There is a kind of flower purple called what is the tail flower? It's supposed to be irises. However, it also has other colors of iris alias blue butterfly, is a perennial flowering plant of the family Iridaceae, its petal shape is similar to the tail of iris, the flower color is mainly blue-purple, or the national flower of France, with the reputation of blue witch.

Setaria angustifolia is a common herb whose Latin name is Setaria viridis and belongs to Gramineae. Setaria przewalskii is usually grown in dryland crop fields, widely distributed in the wilderness and roadsides below 4000 meters above sea level, and often appears in gardens and lawns of residential areas.

The flower is different from the iris, they are not the same flower plant, the two are very different, the main differences are as follows: the tail flower is Phalaenopsis of Orchidaceae, but the iris is Iridaceae, so the two are different in nature.

The font Phoenix flower and iris flower are different. They are not the same flowers and plants, and they are very different. The main differences are as follows: the attribute is different: Phoenix belongs to Phalaenopsis, while Phalaenopsis belongs to Phalaenopsis, so there is an essential difference between the two.

There is a flower whose name I don't know.

1. Magnolia Magnolia. Magnolia Magnolia (scientific name: Michelia alba DC.) is a variety of magnolia with white flowers. Also known as Mulan, Magnolia and so on. Deciduous trees, up to 17 meters high, famous flowers and trees in China. Shanghai city flower, an important ornamental tree in early spring in northern China, has been cultivated for about 2500 years. It is a valuable ornamental tree in the garden.

2. Albizia, also known as velvet tree, night flower. Latin name: Albizia julibrissin Durazz., Leguminosae, Albizia. Because the day opens and the night cooperates, it is so named Ye Hehe, which is an ornamental plant. A "Lantana". Deciduous trees. Two even-pinnate compound leaves, many leaflets, falcate, matched in pairs at night.

3. Geranium (scientific name: Pelargonium hortorum), alias Hydrangea, Shirahong, Zhonghong, sunflower, belongs to the petunia family, including about 230 species of perennial fleshy, subshrub or shrub plants. Geraniums are native to southern Africa and are widely cultivated all over the world.

There is a kind of flower, the flower on the branch is like a butterfly, lifelike, what kind of flower is it?

1. Japanese iris (scientific name: Iris japonica Thunb.) is a herb of Iridaceae, also known as white flower shoot stem, butterfly. The country of origin is China, Japan and South Korea, sexual tolerance, drought tolerance, suitable for garden shade landscaping, potted or cut flowers. The growth type is perennial root herb, and the plant height is 20cm to 40cm.

2. Large-flowered geranium, also known as butterfly geranium, domestic geranium, foreign butterfly, butterfly plum, hairy leaf red, etc., are the related species of geranium, which are common cultivated plants in the north of China. Cultivated plants, 30-40cm high, glabrous or rarely sericeous throughout the plant.

3. Pomegranate flowers: simple leaves opposite or clustered, rectangular round or Obovate, new leaves light green or bronzed. Flowers to several born at the top of branches or leaf axils, calyx bell-shaped, fleshy, apex 6-lobed, surface smooth with wax, orange-red, persistent. Petals 5-7 red or white, single or double.

4. Carnation, alias: Chinese carnation, Luoyang carnation, chrysanthemum, embroidered bamboo, carnation, Latin name: carnation (Dianthus chinensis) is one of the perennial herbs of Caryophyllaceae and Caryophyllus, one of the traditional Chinese famous flowers, now it is widely cultivated by artificial introduction in the world as an ornamental plant, and a large number of cultivated species have been cultivated.

5. The picture shows the citrus plant Cleome spinosa annual strong herb, 1-5 meters high, the whole plant is covered with sticky glandular hairs, has a special odor, stipules spines up to 4 mm, sharp, outward curved.

6. Buttercup (scientific name: Caesalpinia pulcherrima (L.) Sw.): large shrubs or small trees; up to 3 meters tall, branches green or pink green, with sparse spines. Bipinnately compound leaves 4 to 8 pairs, opposite, leaflets 7 to ll pairs, long elliptic or Obovate, base oblique, apical emarginate, petiolule very short.